Awakeri Soccer Club

President's Report 1999

In the 1999 season, Awakeri fielded 8 teams in the EBOP leagues, in the following grades: 6th , 7th, 8th , 9th (2), 11th (2) and 13th. The number of players involved in soccer continues to be very pleasing especially given the growing strength of hockey.

The club continues to be grateful to its sponsors: David da Silva Autos, Adamson's Pharmacy, Barney Gray, Gould Contracting, Phil and Cheryl Brogden, Total Power Services and the Awakeri Store.

This year the 11th grade had plenty of teams in it, this enabled it to be graded into an A and B division. The players were then able to compete against players more evenly in terms of ability, and quite a few favourable comments were received about this. Both Awakeri teams were very competitive and made it into the top sections of the grades.

Other highlights included:

* the 13th grade team still enjoying their soccer despite change of coach and regular heavy defeats

* the growth of family 7-aside soccer during the summer (thanks Stu Goodhew)

* Jamie Stanton being part of the EBOP team that came 3rd in the National 13th grade girls tournament.

* Lani Paul's five goals in a game against Kawerau in the 8th grade

* The setting up of an Awakeri Soccer website. This includes match reports, club news, action photos, club history and an honours board.

* Half of the sports(person)manship trophies going to girls this year

I would like to thank the teams' coaches: David and Gail Hudson (6th Grade); Peter Sheather and Chris Stanton (7th); Craig Davies (8th); Evans McCready and Stu Goodhew (9th); Tom Lowndes and myself (11th); Kate & Peter Fitzgerald & Charmaine Timbs and Tim Tatham who all did their bit for the 13th grade.

This year our club had six EBOP reps: Jamie Stanton (13th grade girls), Mark Brogden and Tristan Gray (12th), Mark Petersen, Jeremy Hawkes (11th) Congratulations to these players.

The sportsmanship trophies for the season went to:

Sarah Dawson (13th grade)

Lance Robison (11th)

Lisa Lowndes (11th)

Kelly Stanton (9th)

Jordan Macdonald (9th)

Matthew Davies (8th)

Bretsche Tacoma (7th)

Matthew Reeves (6th)

We have had to farewell the McCready's, who all contributed a lot to the club... Gill for years of secretary/ treasurer and coaching, Evans for his coaching, and Candace, James and Stuart whose skills and determination helped many an Awakeri team perform so well. We will also miss the enthusiasm of coach Craig Davies, and the knowledge of Tim Tatham as they have all moved out of the area.

For the future, we have the exciting prospect of the Awakeri Community Complex, which is under construction and should be available later this year. With it comes the possibility of a senior soccer club being based on our facilities.

We would like to thank the Awakeri School BOT and principal Peter Fitzgerald for their support. I would like to acknowledge the excellent work of Helen Ernest as secretary/treasurer.

Barrie Hawkes

15 Feb 2000