Here are the EBOP draws for the season
(scroll down for menu)
Please excuse the formatting, I can't be bothered putting
it all in tables. Just remember, the team listed first is at home!
First you better read all the information below!
Games are only called off when ground conditions are unsuitable for play.
This is done by each club's cancellation officer. However, if weather
conditions are unsuitable, especially for the 'non-competitive' age-groups,
team coaches may contact each other to make their own decisions. Matches
in competitive leagues must be replayed if postponed. Club cancellations
officers only should contact Radio 1XX to have notices broadcast around
7.30am on the Saturday morning.
RESULTS Club results officers - gather your club's results in the competitive
grades and log onto the website www.sportsground.co.nz/ebopfootball. The
results have to be by 5pm the Monday after the game. Please record postponed
games too.
In the event of a team having to default, their opposition must be notified
by 7 pm on the Friday before the game. In competitive leagues this means
a 2 - 0 loss. If a team borrows a player from its opposition, they automatically
default the game.
These must be adhered to. If earlier games are running late, they must
be shortened to allow the following game to commence on time.
A referee shall stop a game, regardless of play, for all injuries. Game
restarts with a drop ball.
Can clubs make an effort to ensure there is no abuse of referees from
the sideline. Offending spectators can be sent from the sideline and the
game not restarted till the situation is resolved.
SENDINGS OFF (RED CARDS) Official sendings off must be reported to the
secretary EBOPJMC by the Monday following the game at the latest
High School Girls fields are on their draw.
Awakeri at Awakeri School
Allandale at Allandale School, Alexander Ave, Whakatane.
James Street at James Street School, Whakatane
Whakatane at Rex Morpeth Park
Opotiki at Waioeka Domain, cnr Otara & Gaults Rds. From Bridge Street,
turn right at Opotiki College, into the road to Gisborne. Take left turn
opposite cemetery. Parking on Gaults Road. Ohope at Bluett Park, Ohope.
Kawerau at Tarawera Park on Cobham Drive (off River Road).
Saints behind St Josephs School, King St, Whakatane.
Otakiri at Otakiri School, but 13th grade at Edgecumbe College
Paroa all games on the relevant age pitches at Whakatane (Rex Morpeth
Whakatane High School at Athletic club park Park, by Rex Morpeth Park.
Thornton at Thornton School, East Bank Road,
Te Teko at Te Teko School
Club Teams, contacts and colours
EBOP President Craig Manktelow 308 9005
EBOP Secretary: Margaret Nillesen 3084361
Results Officer: Craig Manktelow 308 9005
Plains Junior FC (includes Te Teko, Thornton, Edgecumbe and Otakiri):
club contact: Shelley Bremner 308 4911
6th gr Thornton Pukekos Rachel Schlepers 3048324 0272240823
8th gr Thornton Reds Ian Fergusson 3222172 0272758254
11th gr Thornton Thunder Bart de Jong 0273398852
7th gr Edgecumbe Brent Jones 3048834 0274170505
7th gr Otakiri Amandeep Singh 3229177 or Kathleen Rutland 3046249
8th gr Otakiri Matthew Dalgity 3048902 or Colin Wilson 3228825
9th gr Otakiri Leanne Blackwood 3049141 0274293030
11th gr Otakiri Donna Huntingdon 3229115 02102791650
13th gr Otakiri Steve Meharry 3229380 0272716603
7th gr Te Teo Tuna Ngamihi Moses 0212571854
9th gr Te Teko Trout Guy Monika 0212571854
Whakatane High School Girls
contact: Gail Zonnerveld 304 9730 sunfieldkitchen@clear.net.nz
Trident High School school contact Karen Stanton 3048667 stantonk@trident.school.nz
Edgecumbe College Girls Jim Bennett 308 7040
Allandale: Club Contact: Esther Nielsen 0211643095
Yellow & black tops, black shorts, yellow socks.
6th gr Allandale Galaxy Selwyn & Michelle Dale 3085513 or 3070567
6th gr Allandale Wizards Michael Sharp 3072399 0273636354
7th gr Allandale Rovers William Doney 3084456
8th gr Allandale City William Doney 3084456
11th gr Allandale United John Dorrans 323 7994 027 368 1259
James Street Club contacts: Rebecca Dixon 3089902 and Shelley Forster
uniforms - green shirt, black shorts, green socks with black tops.
6th gr Tigers Tania O'Sullivan 02102337451
8th gr Gunners Darrell Dixon 3089902 or 0272519141
8th gr Titans Rebecca Dixon 3089902 or 0272519141
9th gr Legends Shelley Forster 3089569 or 0220325684
Saints Soccer Club
Club Contact: Denise White - ph 3086889/0211635224
Club Colours: Royal socks with white strip on top, royal shorts, royal/white
Team Contacts:
6th grade - Saints Swordfish
Coach - Martin Beck - ph 3082107/ 0277760750
Team Manager - Emma Alison - ph 3087762/02102947676
6th grade - Saints Tigers
Coach - Lindsay Knipe - ph 3088019 /0211282838
Team Manager - Ann Wilson - ph 3088740/0274607037
6th grade - Saints Dragons
Coach - Craig Purcell - ph 3123633/0272331584
Team Manager - Michelle McAnulty - ph 3080432/0211227003
7th grade - Saints Shooters
Coach - Warren Bensemann - ph 3085578/0275535790
Team Manager - Sarah Wilson - ph 3071082
8th grade 1st Division - Saints Dolphins
Coach - Michael Mackenzie - ph 3087179/0275417052
Team Manager - Lauren Sinkinson - ph 3071044/0276921943
8th grade Premier - Saints Crusaders
Coach - Ant Hay - ph 3086005/0277274027
Team Manager - Sarah Sisson - ph 3088572/0276363723
9th grade Premier - Saints Incrediballs
Coach - Peter Marshall - ph 3080333
Team Manager - Jula Hallberg - ph 3084901/0273832465
11th grade 1st Division - Saints Rockets
Coach - Dylan McIntyre - ph 3079167
Team Manager - Lisa Trowell - ph 3080008/0276140999
11th grade Premier - Saints Storm
Coach - Michael White - ph 3086889/0211375750
Team Manager - Denise White - ph 3086889/0211635224
13th grade - Saints All Blues
Coach - Paddy Wana - ph 3078100/0276499226
Team Manager - Charlene Purcell - ph 3123633/0273639015
13th grade- Saints Stars
Coach - Frank Schmidt - ph 3070436/0274793692
Team Manager - Karen Haugh - ph 3077156/02102218552
Opotiki Magpies Junior Football Club
Club Contact for all teams is Rachael Wotton 3155359 or 027 6521043
EastPack Opotiki 9th Grade Team - Coach/Manager: Rachael Wotton 3155359
or 027 6521043
Central Oasis 9th Grade Team - Coach: Ray Thompson 3155075 or 027 551
6985, Manager: Fiona Gault 315 7913 or 027 749 5931
Cookson Forbes 11th Grade Team - Coach: Mahaki Maxwell 3157275, Manager:
Nikki Maxwell 3157275
Hickeys Sports 13th Grade Team - Coach: Katie Ball 315 4999, Manager:
Shona Bewley 3157472 or 021 1333817
Opotiki College
Lyn Riesterer ph home: 07 3156627, ph work 07 3157025 and mob: 021 1602040
lynr@opotikicol.school.nz / lyn@driftwooddreamers.com
Whakatane (includes Paroa)
Club Contact: Julie Dornan 307 8007 / 0273150435
Grade Team Name Coach
6th Whakatane Penguins Julie Dornan 307-8007 027 315 0435
7th Whakatane Flames Craig Julian 308-7011
Nigel Pryde 308 5160
7th Whakatane Pumas Patrick Lambert 027 829 5269
Ishmail Abdurahman 308-7031
8th 1st Div Whakatane Warriors Paul Taylor 308-6454 027 612 6119
8th 1st Div Whakatane Phoenix Gavin Rothwell 308-0544
9th Prem Whakatane Force Lee Barton 322-2553 027 331 7989
9th 1st Div Whakatane Panthers Di Brown 312-5615 021 479 308
11th 1st Div Whakatane Nitros Helen Dudley 308-3292
11th 1st Div Whakatane Yellowfins Martin Regan 308-2552
11th 1st Div Whakatane Dollfins Steve McAdams 308-9336
11th 1st Div Whakatane Tigers Te Mauri Apiata 312-9276 027 622 4777
11th Prem Whakatane Magpies Nick Pidgeon 322-8626 021 0263 6347
11th Prem Tricky Chicks Sharon Wardlaw 308-8913 021 256 7667
13th Whakatane Fury Craig Manktelow 308-9005 027 612 5548
13th Whakatane Iti Ma Tom McGregor 322-2556
H/S Girls Haddocks Hot Shotz Mishka Lowry 308-9515 027 367 3793
H/S Girls Whakatane Firebirds Dave Sells 308-0226 027 438 2300
7th Te Kura o Te Paroa Mark Pouwhare 308-6652
8th 1st Div Te Kura o Te Paroa Mark Pouwhare 308-6652
11th 1st Div Te Kura o Te Paroa Mark Pouwhare 308-6652
Club Contact: Andre Van Niekerk (Coordinator) (07) 323 8173 / 021 159
6503 andreandfamily@xtra.co.nz
Club Colours: Red with Black
Coach Phone # Mobile #
6th Grade
K-Town Kiwis Maria Puutu 027 319 3739
Kawerau Strikers Teiria Sandle 323 8689 021 142 4429
Kawerau Kougaz Daryll Simpson 021 148 7631
7th Grade
Kawerau Raiders Matthew O'Brien 323 8122 021 157 3077
Red Dragons Rob Old 323 9270 027 585 8045
8th Grade
Kawerau Cruisers Andrea Parker (Manager) 323 9161 021 0220 6451
Kawerau Knights Richard Hoskin 323 8531 027 430 5400
9th Grade
Kawerau Crusaders Jonathan Carter 323 6919 021 223 2957
K-Town Crickets Kirk Bain 323 8353 021 157 4527
11th Grade
K-Town Chiefs Lisa Brown (Manager) 027 370 6138
Gunners Brian Muncaster 323 6823 027 536 3902
13th Grade
Kawerau Fury Carolyn Ion 323 9046 027 415 6458
Kawerau College Girls
Neil Maslin 02102443839 nillante@gmx.net
Club contact: Amy Hayes 3125394
6th Grade Coordinator - Nicola Prosser - PH: 3125011
6th Grade Boys 'The All Stars' Coach: Bryan Guilford PH: 313125705, Asst
Coach: Rob Prosser PH: 3125011
6th Grade Girls 'The Sapphires' Co Coach: Karen Farmer PH:3071997, Co
Coach: 3126081
7th Grade Coordinator - Moana Dawson - PH: 3078650
7th Grade Boys 'The Jets' Coach: Declan Manning PH:3125616, Asst Coach:
Maree Bicknell PH: 3125775
7th Grade Girls 'The Diamonds' Coach: Amy Hayes PH: 3125394, Asst Coach:
Jan Hogg PH: 3125730
8th Grade Coordinator - Glenn Ellery - PH: 3124657
8th Grade (1st) Premier Boys 'The Gunners' Coach: Richard McNabb PH: 3124742,
Asst Coach: Glenn Ellery PH: 3124657
8th Grade (2nd) Premier Mixed 'The Lightning' Coach: Tania Humberstone
PH:3125590, Asst Coach: Jan Pedersen PH:3126344
8th Grade 1st Division Mixed 'The Piranhas' Coach: Alex Thompson PH:3124105,
Asst Coach: Steve Warner PH: 3087433
9th Grade Coordinator - Anna Humpherson - PH: 3125050
9th Grade Premier Boys 'The Stealers' Coach: Simon Mitchell PH: 3126177
9th Grade 1st Division 'The Fire Birds' Coach: Chris King PH: 3087994
11th Grade Coordinator - Kenny McCracken - PH: (07)3154005
11th Grade Premier Miexed 'The Rebels' Co Coach: Amy Hayes PH: 3125394,
Co Coach: Wil Blakeway PH: 3088225
13th Grade Coordinator - Andrew Gordon - PH: 3046169
13th Grade Premier Mixed 'The Stealth' Coach: Andrew Gordon PH:3046169
Awakeri FC
Secretary / Pres Jane Harte 3085348 / Barrie Hawkes 3222076
6th Rascals Brigette Davidson 3048166 021855025
6th Mainstream Engineering Hotshots Heidi & Adam Parker 0212642258
6th Hotcars Renske Forsyth 3229338 0273258777
7th All Stars Melissa White 3088152 0274510317 / Naomi
7th Aces Kirsteen Nurkka 3048455 / Naomi
8th 1st Cheetah Girlz Geoff van Beekhuizen 3124840
8th prem Da Silva Autos Aces Bevan Jones 9295693 0277140493
8th prem Awakeri Store Comets John White 3085801 0273333935
9th 1st Wild Cats Paul Julian 3084253 0272084251
9th prem HTL Spreading Phoenix Kerry Looney 3048047, Dena Wilson 3070962
11th 1st Murphy Brothers Mud Dawgs LJ Du Toit 3129577
11th prem Get Fresh Dragons Christian Wetting 3046007
13th Renshaw Jewellers Sharks Shane Forsyth 3229338 0273258777
The draws: